可互操作的AC EV充电测试结构

Integrating AC/DC sources, simulators, and relevant signal generators, Chroma presents a complete EV charging compatibility test solution in accordance with major global standards. Through this test system, users can test EV by simulating global charging standards and environments.
AC EVSE信号模拟器(80619)
- 将CP(控制试验)信号的PWM信号输入源设置,以直接在内部生成PWM信号或从外部信号发生器中输入。
- 允许设置CP PWM信号的电压,频率和占空比。
- Simulates CC resistance signal output.
- 提供12V和24V输出的启用信号。
- AUX信号提供16个12V和24V输出的通道。
- Presents box instrument control by single Ethernet port.
- 信号输出配备了短电路保护。
AC/DC EV Charging Control Unit
- 显示功率和信号的集成测试接口。
- The quick connect design provides standard charging couplers that can be easily switched according to specific test requirements.
DC收费与快速充电有关;它的电压,电流和电源都高于AC系统,并且直接为电动汽车中的电池充电。因此,DC充电需要更高的设备规格和通信技术。Chroma提供高质量的电力电子设备和充电测试界面在各个国家 /地区兼容,以充分满足所有测试需求。 |

DC EV Simulators
- Simulates PLC communication for electric vehicles and supports testing of ISO 15118, DIN 70121/22 and other communication standards.
CHAdeMO EVSE Simulator
- Compliant with CHAdeMO regulations, can simulate the charging station as well as the charging process for DC EV testing.
- Simulator supports CHAdeMO 0.9/1.0/1.1 test regulations.
- CAN1供应可以数据以监视模拟器和EVSE。
Communication Interface Emulator (80618)
- Communicates with the Chroma 8000 software system through the Ethernet interface.
- 规定总共四个渠道可以支持支持可以支持2.0B(29位)仲裁ID。
- Following GB/T 27930 regulations, the multi-core data refers to the SAE J1939 communication protocol and provides records of message transfer and reception time.
- Each unit supports a set of one RS-232 and one RS-485.
- 16 DIs and 16 DOs use a dry contact mode that controls DO and reads DI statuses through the system software or uses the GB/T 27930 function to control DO output when sending/receiving data.
- 连接到A806110通过EXT-BU连接,每个单元都有两个I2C和SMBUS通信接口。I2C可以支持从属的角色,而I2C时钟可以是1MHz(端口1)或400kHz(端口2)。
Global Test Standards
Chroma提供了支持相关国际测试项目的测试系统,以帮助用户将其产品提升到国际舞台。亚博app下载网址使用Chroma 8000 ATS来实现所有主要全球测试标准的测试,包括SAE,CNS,NB/T,GB/T,ISO,IEC,DIN和Chademo。