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ElectricVehicleSupplyEquipmentATS(EVSEATS) Model8000
  • CE Mark
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment ATS (EVSE ATS)
Model 8000
  • Supports a wide range of global standards, including SAE, CNS, NB/T, GB/T, IEC, DIN, and CHAdeMO.
  • 在不同的情况和网格环境中模拟EV。
ElectricVehicleChargingCompatibilityATS Model8000
  • CE Mark
Electric Vehicle Charging Compatibility ATS
Model 8000
  • Simulates the behavior of AC/DC EVSE to test a variety of EV functions during its charging process.
  • 提供由不同全局标准定义的EVSE信号的信号规格,并测试EV响应,以确保其与各种AC/DC EVSE的兼容性。
EVWirelessPowerTransferATS Model8000
EV Wireless Power Transfer ATS
Model 8000
  • Pre-defined test cases according to SAE J2954 and GB/T 38775 regulations
  • User-friendly software to control power devices for WPT testing
  • Customized automatic XYZ-positioning fixture for roll, pitch, and yaw testing
  • Patented test jig for perfect center alignment of the Ground Assembly (GA) and Vehicle Assembly (VA)
  • One-stop solution for WPT testing