Chroma 7210-P is an inspector to examine solar cells during metallization process. Its small dimension design can be easily installed on the metallizing rotary table. The defects on c-Si PV cells that caused by front-side (sunny side) printing process may affect the performance, reliability and appearance. Therefore, a reliable and repetitive inspection of defects such as losing Ag paste on bus-bars, gridline interruptions, printing shift or rotation, water mark etc., has to be performed to ensure the quality before co-firing process. The Chroma 7210-P solar cell quality classifier has equipped with special cameras and superior software algorithm to recognize the unwanted defects on the front-side of c-Si PV cells. It can be used right at the front-side process to screen out cells with major defects. This allows best use of the capacity for the processes like I-V testing which are known as the bottlenecks of c-Si cell line.
安装进行背面检查时,它可以为双面产品执行丝网印刷缺陷检测。亚博app下载网址此外,Chroma 7210-P可以检查不同制造过程的太阳能电池,例如PERC,HJT和钻石线切割。具有灵活和层次设计的集成软件使客户可以设置所需的条件,以检查由不同金属化机器引起的不同缺陷。